If there's one constant in life, it's change...and there's been a lot of it lately. My focus has been on my company, Chasing Light Studios, which has been a great pursuit, and given me access to people and experiences I'll always remember. During this time, I've also deserted my ATD blog. I thought it was time to get back to it and write and explore, even only for self-improvement. It's also as a way to stay current and do more long-form writing and connect with things I love. There's usually more to share than what's available with 140 characters or less.
Even though I've planted many seeds with my photography business, I have worked on several client design projects and will continue to do more design-based projects as as part of my creative offerings at CLSI (just started a new project at Microsoft). The Garden continues to grow!
When I look back on when my design career began and working as a creative to this point, it's amazing how many twists and turns I've gone through. Many of the companies I've worked for went through a merger (or two), or were acquired, leaving a trail of people and projects in their wake. Companies don't last as long and project timelines are even shorter. That's just the reality of things.
I've learned much during my tenure as designer/creative/learner and hope to continue to work with companies and projects that align with my skills and work with more great people I continue to meet along this journey.